The Best Airport Pick-Up Ever

I managed to wedge myself in at the end of the Southwest Airlines gate while waiting for my sister at the airport terminal. I was right up against the curb with cones behind me and a sedan on my left front bumper area. I couldn’t go anywhere and that was okay with me. The atmosphere seemed a bit more casual than normal so I said to my daughter, “We might be able to wait right here for a while.”

While waiting we were entertained by the man from that car picking up three people. Everybody hugged and dumped their luggage by his trunk. I figure he must be the dad, because nobody tried to help him with anything. I imagine him to be the kind of guy who’d say, “I got this, just get in the car.”

Except he didn’t have it at all. He clearly was spatially challenged but he gets bonus points for tenacity. We watched as he took bags in and out of the trunk, turning them every which way. I was confident he was going to break a wheel off of a suitcase.

My daughter and I were laughing like crazy and had snapped about a dozen pictures of this when the security guy came to my window and said I needed to move on.

I pointed to the guy struggling with his bags and said, “I’ll pull out as soon as he moves.” Then I added, “To be honest, we’re sitting here laughing at this guy who can’t seem to load his trunk. He’s hysterical.”

To which he replied, “I get that. Have a nice day.” And he walked off with a smile on his face and left us there. Can you imagine that? I security guy at the airport with a sense of humor? It made my day.

Finally, the struggle to lug the luggage from the pavement to the trunk ended abruptly with a slam of the trunk and a suitcase shoved up against the two passengers in the back seat.

That poor man had spent approximately six minutes trying in vain to place three suitcases into his trunk. It was so sad. I think he needs to go home and brush up on his Tetris game.


This is Post #24 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge to post every day in April.

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  1. I am very lucky that I can instantly determine how to load a trunk or other confined space. And, yes, my kids STILL drop their luggage at my feet to handle the situation.

  2. Jeanine Byers

     /  April 24, 2019

    Because we were always a smaller family, and I was usually the only child present when I was being picked up at the airport, we always put my luggage in the backseat. I never even gave it a second thought. But what a funny story!

  3. Dee Coxon

     /  April 24, 2019

    I was going to say Bonnie I’m guilty of leaving it up to hubby, but in truth he always says to me, “you get in the car I’ll see to this”. Kudos to him for knowing that in this case ( excuse the pun) he’s got this!


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